Tabriz Tire Lighvan
This group has begun its activity back in 1970s. During those years, Hadj Ahad Lighvani was trying to start his own business in the tire market and, with the help of his brothers, he could extend his tire business and act as an agent of all Iranian tire companies. This success has not been limited to domestic products and his team did a great job dealing with the international brands in Iran. Through such an effort, Lighvani group introduced itself as the largest and most important distributor of tire in Iran.
We are deeply customer-oriented and our team is always aligned with their wants. We are proud to be well-known as a team relying on the customer’s trust and credibility.
Identifying the potential opportunities for investment, provided that there is the possibility of continuation and progress, creation of values through innovation and gaining the satisfaction and benefits of customers, employers and share holders are the key elements of our business. Our interactions with the suppliers have always been constructive such that they could improve their performance alongside our team.
We are also strictly committed to fulfill our social and environmental responsibilities.
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